Heres what i think...i know,i know,always with my thoughts and opinions(:
Nobody's makin ya read it(:
If this was your last day with the person you love,would you want to spend it angry with them?or irritated?maybe its all the little things that drive you crazy,or maybe theyve messed up big time,and they deserve your anger.But if you send them off to work,without a kiss,or a warm embrace,or telling them you love them,and thats the last time you see them,and they never come home,how much you would have to regret! Tell him you love him everyday,be thankful for what you have,dont dwell on past or even present hurts,and everytime you kiss him,do it as if its the last time you might.This,you will never regret.

Thanks I really needed that today. I wish I had done that this morning. I wonder if I am pregnant again because I am catching up on your blog and I have cried all morning. I am just wishing I would have been sweeter
Wise words from a young wife. May God bless you in your marriage!
Aw... I love those pictures. And yes, great advice da'ling. Be sure to remind me of it when I get there. ;-) Hehe... One day. In the mean time I'll try to be sweeter to my family.
Much love dear.
VERY GOOD ADVICE.....I needed this yesterday and here I find it today!!! RATS! Thank you though...you are inspiration to me Ang. I love you soooo much!!
Wow. The way in which God is shown thru your life Ang is incredible.
Thanks for being a blessing to others,
and for loving like this :)
I really appreciated everything the morning I left.
Love you lots,
You ARE an inspiration. I'm glad I read it. I am so happy for you and your little family.....
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