So the chub learned how to sign "please" today...ive been trying to get her to do it off and on for months and had kinda given up because she just didnt seem too interested,but this afternoon i was feeding her her sandwich and said say "please" and she started rubbing her belly(: it was so cute( then i showed her the right way to do it,and all day she's been doing it,except for when i tried to show kluane at church,of course(:
Ive been reading through my bible the past few months,a chap. in Genesis,a chap. in Psalms, and a chap. in Matthew...anyways,in Genesis im reading about Abraham and Lot,and as im reading Lots story im thinking,what a sicko!!!like,i know these stories so well,i dont give them much thought usually,but wow....Lot was really messed up...In Psalms,im mostly just comforted by the Lord,and inspired at the same time.i always look forward to reading my Psalm,because it always seems like God is giving you exactly what you need to hear for the day and whatever situation you might be dealing with in your life.And Matthew is just interesting,i learn something new evrytime i read it.i was reading about the parables the other day and the different kinds of seeds that were sown and it is really thought provoking and makes you search your own heart out well to make sure your the "real thing" and just puts into perspective the false christians that are out there claiming one thing but living quite another.Sometimes i get so angry with all the hypocrasy but when i read this it just makes me sad because i know so many that dont truly know the Lord and they are so miserable and they are going to pay such a heavy price so very soon.So anger and indignation isnt really a good thing to feel towards them,maybe pity and compassion is more appropriate,and i try to find enough love in my heart to pray for them and their eternal souls.

I talked to my best Tori girl the other day,and i just want everyone to kow that i am soooo very proud of her.She is doing so great and serving the Lord with her whole heart,and i can see such maturity in her and her spiritual life.Its so great to have a freind that is serious about serving the Lord and dealing with sin,and not making excuses for herself.Ive never seen someone who inspires me so much and has such a sweet attitude no matter what comes her way.Ive learned a ton from her the past few years,and she has really lifted me up the way a freind should when i needed it most this past year."iron sharpening iron"-a true friend and im so you Tor!Keep it up,you are a rarety.
I better go finish cleaning my house,im gonna try to start going to bed i can get up i can excercise and read earlier...and then clean house i can go to bed yet earlier!...its a viscious cycle...
Ive been reading through my bible the past few months,a chap. in Genesis,a chap. in Psalms, and a chap. in Matthew...anyways,in Genesis im reading about Abraham and Lot,and as im reading Lots story im thinking,what a sicko!!!like,i know these stories so well,i dont give them much thought usually,but wow....Lot was really messed up...In Psalms,im mostly just comforted by the Lord,and inspired at the same time.i always look forward to reading my Psalm,because it always seems like God is giving you exactly what you need to hear for the day and whatever situation you might be dealing with in your life.And Matthew is just interesting,i learn something new evrytime i read it.i was reading about the parables the other day and the different kinds of seeds that were sown and it is really thought provoking and makes you search your own heart out well to make sure your the "real thing" and just puts into perspective the false christians that are out there claiming one thing but living quite another.Sometimes i get so angry with all the hypocrasy but when i read this it just makes me sad because i know so many that dont truly know the Lord and they are so miserable and they are going to pay such a heavy price so very soon.So anger and indignation isnt really a good thing to feel towards them,maybe pity and compassion is more appropriate,and i try to find enough love in my heart to pray for them and their eternal souls.
I talked to my best Tori girl the other day,and i just want everyone to kow that i am soooo very proud of her.She is doing so great and serving the Lord with her whole heart,and i can see such maturity in her and her spiritual life.Its so great to have a freind that is serious about serving the Lord and dealing with sin,and not making excuses for herself.Ive never seen someone who inspires me so much and has such a sweet attitude no matter what comes her way.Ive learned a ton from her the past few years,and she has really lifted me up the way a freind should when i needed it most this past year."iron sharpening iron"-a true friend and im so you Tor!Keep it up,you are a rarety.
I better go finish cleaning my house,im gonna try to start going to bed i can get up i can excercise and read earlier...and then clean house i can go to bed yet earlier!...its a viscious cycle...
Your growing in the Lord all the time and what a blessing it is. I could use a verse today for my mom. She's going through alot and all I think of is Psalms 23! Thanks for the reminder. Love you,
Good post. Love you, Angela.
I was going to post a post on us recently, which is so crazy that you were doing the same thing, :) Cept there is one problem I came across. I have None, litterly, No pictures of us together. Not from April when I was there, or July, or September. And I know I saw you then! Apparently we should have broke out the camera when we were at Holmes :-))
These pictures take me back to another time, but your words bring me to today. You have been so good for me, you're a great friend. :-)
And I love you my friend.
AWWWWW that is so sweet!! Love you Ang and you are an encouragement and blessing to me like Tori is to you!!
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