For some different reasons,i have found myself in this dark place more than once this week. Today especially.But several times this week,people have surprised me with phonecalls,gifts, and just love and concern in general,and it makes me so ashamed for not being more grateful, and joyful,and friendly myself.i dont feel at all like i deserve to be shown love,ive been such a grump,and then there it is!both natasha and laurel remembered my birthday and both made me beautiful earing and neclace sets,and although i love the jewelry and will cherish it,its the gesture that really touched my heart.True Kindness seems to be rare in people these days,and i just hope i can learn from their example and stop feeling sorry for myself long enough to show more of it myself.
Thankyou for the gifts Laurel and Natasha!
Thankyou for the books your sending to help me Amber!
Thankyou for the phonecall Tori!(even though i didnt get to call you back yet)
Thankyou for the time you spend with me Jenn,Mom,and Heidi!
Thankyou all to those who have been true friends to me,and i hope that i can be that kind of friend back.I love you all.
love you lots sis!
YAY for birthday's and wonderful friends. I have been through this with Friends in the past. I thought for a long time it's better to just have aquantences, but it's not. You do need to have someone (maybe only one) person that you can turn to in your time of dispair and give your inner most thoughts to. I have turned that need for a friend to God and He is getting closer and closer to me. What a friend we have in Jesus the song tells us. It's so ture. I would be lost with out him and I need him daily. I need him to direct my thoughts and ways. But he also knows I need friends. Real friends that are good to me and faithfull to me. Your one of them Ang. You are such a good person and trying everyday to better your Christian life. Your a witeness to me and I appreciate you. I love you and I hope with time and some help from these books that God will get your outta this place. I have been there and I know it's day to day. Call if you need me. And let me know when those books there.
Love you!
Those are so pretty Ang!
I need to enter a correction into this blog though friend,
Your sentence:
"Thankyou all to those who have been true friends to me,and i hope that i can be that kind of friend back."
Girl, you've been that friend First. Not back. Life has just been rough for you lately, and your needing to rely on God to take you through and godly friends to encourage you. Its nothing less than you have done for many of us over the years.
You've made my heart smile and know that its going to be OK, many times, all because you sent me right back to the Father. And I am so thankful for that.
When people here ask how I know Tyler, I tell them that he has 4 awesome sisters that have been like my sisters all these years. And they always smile, I think its because they can see how much it means to me that I know you girls. God is so good, I am very thankful for You. :)
Happy Birthday my dear friend,
"Without Him, I would be nothing,
Without Him, I'd surely fail...
Without Him, Life would be hopeless,
Like a ship without a sail."
The Lord is there all the time. Ever faithful, ever sweet. Ever unmoveable...always willing to Hear.
"O let me feel Thee near me,
The world is ever near;
I see the sights that dazzle,
The tempting sounds I hear:
My foes are ever near me,
Around me and within;
But, Jesus, draw me nearer,
And shield my soul from sin."
I love you, honey.
We're always here for you NO MATTER WHAT!!! Call me if you need to talk or just hang out!! Love you!!
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