As you'll see throughout,McKinley thoroughly enjoyed Heathers house...made herself right at home,and was quite fond of Uncle Caleb in particular.Ever since we visited,she has talked non-stop about Uncle Jermy and Uncle Caleb.She loves Uncles.
Alisa,as sweet as she is adorable(: this was her breakfast the hat(:
And we got to meet little tiny Hannah for the first time!This tiny little one is turning one this month!!!she looks about 6 months though.And she is feisty!
The wildest sister of should see this girl drive...wowie(: I sure do love her(:
Once again,this is what Beks gets for not letting me take her it
The Madeline picture face.
Alisa got a haircut(: and thoroughly enjoyed it(:
The huggiest child ever(:
Mrs.Mo took some sister picutres for us at church(:
The Mamas and the Babies!(:
The sweet lady who i got my middle name from...its always special to see her(:
the WILDEST sister? really ang?
Love this!
LOVED LOVED LOVED the pictures! Heather and Bek are looking GOOD!!!! Loved seeing you guys all together. They were my favortites. Miss you all SOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!! Sigh...cry!
I started to be like "o neat all of the sisters together!" then I was like "WAIT, they're missing one!" but I counted and sure enough you were all there,,,then I realized its because Its JENN! I'm sure she missed getting to be there too. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time. How neat, sister time! Pretty sure Lanae` and I have been thinking and memory talking these days, makes for a lot of random tears at work! We think of you guys when we think about the future, spread between the states. BUT you all make it, and have wonderful lives and still love each other just the same, just have a longer drive. Guess I'm having a hard time picturing not getting to be around my sister all day every day. Glad you guys had this visit and make a point of staying close. Love you ladies so very much!
It was good to see all of you. It was quite a pile of girls!
Angela! You have children. 3 out of 4 of you sisters have children! You're ALL married and all have great lives. OH-my-WORD! I am having this HUGE realization of HOW MUCH life has changed in the last 5 years. Wow... Wow. That picture of the 4 of you and the kids just about made my eyes pop. There's so many!!!
Like Tori said in her comment, we've been having lots of random discussions about the future and life changing. Some of these conversations have turned to tears, but seeing you guys makes me know that we can do it. Ah, life, what a crazy amazing thing!
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