Waiting for the guys to come back after they got lost a zillion times looking for the trail head...
Remind me never to stand next to skinny Jenn again when im 7 months pregnant...and thanx for the camera angle too jonny,that really helped...lol

All the chickens loaded up in the trailor...chub and roo actually road on the 4wheelers with their mommies...

The first bugspray of a million bug sprys...not that it helped much...we all got eaten alive anyways

this little girl is all about the four wheelin...she's all Alaskan for sure

Dont stare at this picture too terribly long...his hotness might burn your eyeballs out...yummy(:

mommy jenn and the Reubenater

It took us the better part of the afternoon/evening to fourwheel into the camp spot...we took the old trail on the way in,kinda by accident,and were 4wheeling through mud and tundra most the way...it was pretty rough and we were SO tired by the time we got there...the last quarter mile was the worst,when we took the wrong turn and sunk the trailers and wheelers in mud and couldnt get them out...then it started pouring rain,so me and jenn took the kids and hiked out up to the cabins while the guys tried to get the wheelers out...they ended up hauling all of our soaked gear up by fourwheelers,and left the trailers till morning.we were all starving and soaked,so we got a fire blazing to dry out,and made yummy burgers...then we were all sweltering cuz it got too hot in the tiny cabin,and couldnt get the woodstove to cool off so we opened all the windows,which helped it stay cooler,but let all the mosquitoes in all night to torture and feast on us...yes you guessed it...screenless windows.wonder of wonders.when it finally cooled off at around 4 in the morning,(nobody had been able to sleep at all,not even the babies)we finally got up and closed the windows and spent half an hour killing the hoards of mosquitos and were able to get a few hours of sleep.Jenn and I got up around 8 with the kids and fed them breakfast,while these 3 sloths below moaned and groaned through another hour of comatose sleep.

Breakfast!oranges and multigrain chocolate chip and pumpkin muffins!yummo!(:

Family picture right before take-off

Phil the pill-the One man wonder

The boys in their plushy "chariot"

two of the craziest boys i know
the next day was just a day of fun in the sun(:

some cute little boys in overalls playing in the creek

we got up around 3;30 the next morning(thanx to josh and phil) because nobody could sleep in the hot mosquito infested cabin anyways...we were on the trail by abt 5;30,it was a little chilly bt so beautiful out,and this time found the nice new trail we shouldve taken originally... we were back to the truck by 7;30 am and drove home for a nice comfy nap in our own beds(: despite all the things that went wrong,it was still a fun family trip,we had lots of laughs,and got some sunshine amongst the bugbites,kept good attitudes and made some fun memories(:
soooo many memoriesssssss....
Love it. The whole trip sounded like such an adventure. Really wish me and my lil family had friends to stuff like this with. You all are so close and it must be great! Love the pictures, especially the one of Josh with your "hotness" comment. I truly laughed out loud at work. Not that he isn't good looking but that you just said it like that. Bahahahaha Love you girl... Lots!
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