They started getting after my lettuce,but i got everything up high so they couldnt reach it...
My lettuce is pretty much all picked,and we have IMMENSELY enjoyed it the past few months...i got a good cut off of it every week.
my fancy lettuce and spinach didnt ever do much and have now died off ...
This is my one awesome bell pepper thats been growing for a month now,its about half was the cutest ever when it was a tried despertly to put on a few more,but i think we just lost our sunshine way to early this year.Drat.

For some reason my tomato plant started dying when we moved,and after i finally revived it,it finally grew one whopping tomato...its still green and fuzzy,but its growing(: McKinley says were gonna share might be the best plan cuz she and I love us some tomatoes...I just dont think it ever got hot enough for tomatoes this year...we had very little sunshine in July.
Ang you are so right. If nothing else it was worth it cause of the bonding. Harley loves to help on the "farm" and loves helping. She is going to be big in 4-H I hope. We have two stires (cows) and about 20 some goats in the Fields. We help my dad a little with that. But my garden was something to brag about this year. I can't wait till next. We are waiting on our Cantalopes and Punkins to finish up and I will post pictures on that also. Love you and your BLOG!
your leetle garden did better than my window herbs. : ) all i have been able to use is basil *yum* because my rosemary didn't grow and my parsley and chives are just puny and sad. something about using chives when they're like straw thickness seems....wrong?
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