Set them up and snap the picture as Lucy falls over...

chub steals lucy's bear and laughs evilly as Lucy falls over the OTHER way...

put your legs down mckinley...
ok,good,now say cheese...

forget saying cheese and smile for me...

oops,lost the plug...

the tiny sporting her handmde sweater from my friend Larae...

now your turn chub...stop making that silly face mckinley...

Mckinley!stop making that stupid face!!!oh thats pretty funny huh?(:

ok fine dont smile at all since you cant just be normal...

i am now thoroughly worn out...i think im done trying now...good job girls(:
wait mommy!let me take your picture!!!good job mckinley.good job.
Ahhaha love love
You just needed Grammie to HOLD that baby upright. :)
McKinley, and a NORMAL PICTURE???
Love candid moments. Those you will treasure more.
That was GREAT! Made my morning!! Just wait until you add some more little ones to the bunch. Taking a picture that is good is near impossible! Those two are stinkin' cute!!!!
Two words Ang: Continuous Shooting! ;)
some of the pictures of your oldest daughter look a little bit like alisa
cute kids
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