So i decided Mac definetly needed an Easter basket this year...this is what i put together...candy,bunny,headband,jelly bracelets,more candy,pez dispenser,more candy...mostly i just love the little basket...(:
I cant wait to giv eit to her on Sunday morning!!!We also bought her a Fancy Easter Dress this year,so i'll be posting pictures of her when she's all dolled up.

we were making nachos last night and i turned around to find this....
like father like daughtr
whats everybody doing for Easter this year?anything special???
any potty training tips for me???today was our first pee on the potty yet,but i found lake superior on the floor after i took my eyes off her for two seconds.
would anybody else like to eat a whole brick of cheese?not me!!!but the husband would,and probably has!
My mom was the BEST Easter Bunny. It was always fun to get up Easter morning.
I would probably eat a whole brick if it was Tillamook.
Funny thing...first day of working super seriously with Madeline today on the potty also. As in, no pullups, just training panties. She did pretty well, went on the potty several times (but she's had some practice already), but she made a lake on the floor when i wasnt looking too. They must have planned it together. :)
LOL! I have advice but some don't agree with me. I just know what did and didn't work for Harley. But you just test the roads and see what happens. We used pull-up's for 5 months, then tried cloth panties with a plastic outter panty and that didn't work. Then I just gave up! I stopped trying to force her to go and just said we would try again later. Then about a month before her 3rd birthday she just started going on her own. It's been 7 months with a great success and she stays dry ALL the time. YAY!!!! I spanked and forced and nothing worked till she was mentally ready to do it.
That's my story!
Oh and Harley flat loves some cheese. Just like her daddy. I am not that bad. She does a lil dance everytime she get's a piece. It's so cute! Hudson is lactos free so he is my lil buddy.
Hahahaha. Love this post. the basket turned out so adorable. The pics are so very Mac.
Hope potty training "clicks" quickly for the little cheese muncher.
nice pictures! Love the Easter Basket-more bunnies!! And the CHEESE!
Fritz didn't respond well to my irritation ("anger")during potty-training. So If I was going to have a hard day I didn't force it (but always offered). My mom said I potty-trained at one years old and my sister at four. So when they say depends on the Kid-I really do believe it!!! And the talk about pull-ups being bad-it is true. Fritz pees his in the morning when he wakes up-he is dry if i wake him up and take him. I just don't want deal with it now that the new baby is due so soon.--have fun and be positive!! :-)Natasha
ps. one of those pairs of Maternity pants are working out GREAT--THank you thank you!!!!!
Oh I love love the easter basket! So cute :) and the pictures made my day :)
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