We are headed to anchorage in the early morning tomorrow for a wee visit with my sister and her husband. It's been rough on Heidi being whisked off to Dillingham (a very remote Alaskan town,with no roads in or out) with her husband Anthony who is an Alaska State Trooper. I'm sure that God is working something wonderful in their lives,every couple needs those painful trials to help them grow,closer to God and to each other. We are excited to see them,and i know Heidi will be happy to see us too,especially McKinley,her little buddy.McKinley adores all her aunties,but Heidi definetely has a special place in her heart. Im excited cuz im in desperate need of some maternity clothes,so ive been saving my pennies to go maternity clothes shopping in Anchorage,since we dont have maternity stores in Fairanks. Josh is exited to,he is good friends with Anothony,and also his parents are gonna drive up to Anchorage for a day or two to spend some time with us.Mckinley is always excited for a chance to see her Nana and Papa,she only gets to see them a few times a year,so this will be a really special trip all around.
Josh fell on the ice at work this morning and sprained his wrist pretty good,so we spent a few hours in the ER but he's gonna be ok...just really sore for a few days.McKinley is hanging out with her Auntie Tori today,and oh how she adores her Auntie Tori...she is so happy to have her back in Alaska...just like me(:
Tomorrow also marks the 16th week of pregnancy #2 for me,it is going by so very fast.Im well into my 2nd trimester now and starting to show finally.Fall is gonna be hear in no time and ill be holding this baby!I am going to call the doctor when i get back and get my next ultrasound scheduled and we should know what gender the baby is very soon...so get ready for the big post!
heres what 16 weeks looks like...the baby is 4.5 inches long and about 3 oz...a little bit smaller than a grapefruit(:
Hope you had a great weekend!
AWE!!! I am not a fan of grapefruits, but you're baby that is about the size of one, inside that pretty belly of yours, I cannot wait to meet!! (how's that for awful sentence structure! lol)
Hope that your trip to Anchorage is going AWESOME girl, and I'm praying that its safe most of all. Be careful on all that ice.
Missing you, was going to txt you last night to work out this morning then I remembered you were out of town...
Later this week, we shall resume pregnancy yoga ;-) lol.
I was so thankful for my day with Mac, she is so darling. Have fun with your sister, I am sure she is feeling so blessed too see you guys!!
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