So! My awasome ka-possam(teenage tyler speak) nephew Jonny went to town with me and the Chub today,to help me with gracery shopping and babysitting.He's the best helper ever,and his a very sweet spirit about it.The main thing was that i had to go to the ever-dreaded DMV and get my driver's liscence renewed,and it was nice to have a helping had with a squimy 2 yr old while waiting ing line for an hour.He's really good at entertaining squirmers.
After the DMV,we were starved cuz it'd been like 2 hours since we'd eaten,so we stopped at the Fred Meyer deli for some chicken strips and diet/cherry pepsi....mmm
So tonight i finally did something ive been wanting to try FOREVER,i just kept forgetting.I made homeaide protien bars...and let me tell you people something.AMAZING!!!Go here http://www.passionatehomemaking.com/2009/11/nourishing-protein-bars-a-great-whole-foods-snack.html to check out the recipe.
After Jenn and I finished an early morning run on Wed,Icame home to find this beautiful visitor chillin in the back yard...she laid out there for hours looking sorry for herself,and we decided she must be preggo too,cuz she just looked pooped.SO i laid out there beside her awhile and we had a nice chat about the aches and pains of preganancy...we were both on the same page,YAY for babies,but poo on being fat and uncomfortable for months on end.
The protein bars where THE BEST I have EVER had!!! I am totally making some and sticking them in the freezer. You can borrow JOnny anytime and I LOVE the conversation you and the Mama Moose had!!!!
Save one of them yummy bars for me to try soon. :)
Ooh those look tasty...i remember you telling me about that recipe!
I am going to try and make some also. Don't know how I will figure the points on something like that though? Great day you look like you had. Loved this post... Fun and informational!
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