My sweetest friend Natasha stopped by today and dropped off a birthday present she made me...i dont have any recent pictures of us,but this one is from last thanksgiving...she's like another sister to me,i only wish we weent so busy so we could spend more time together.

These beautiful earrings are what she made me...they are my favorite color combo-spring green and sea blue,and just happened to match my outfit that i was wearing today

Im so lucky to have thoughtful friends like Natasha!(: She made my day!(:
I have a pair of earring on right now. They look similar to those. I love your's! Lucky girl to have such great friends. Love you!
Those are super cute!! She is so sweet :)
She is SOOOO sweet! They looked super cute on you the other day too! Loved that shirt you were wearing and your headband too! You can totally accessorize!
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