definetly had alot of contractions and cramping the past week or two,and doc says im liable to go into labor early just trying to take it easy from here on out,so teeny tiny doesnt come TOO not worried,its just been a really challenging month physically with the move and all,but now that we're in the new house,i can go at my own pace.
I'm so ready to have this girl and get back to feeling better,not to mention im just really excited to meet my new little one and see what she looks like!McKinley is incredibly excited too,and i cant wait to see how she reacts to having a sister...i know she's gonna love it(:

32 Weeks Pregnant - Week by Week Pregnancy Calendar: "Your Baby in Week 32 of Pregnancy
What's up with your baby? She's starting to get ready for her big debut, tipping the scales at almost four pounds and topping out at just about 19 inches. In these past few weeks, it's all about practice, practice, practice as she hones the skills she'll need to thrive outside the womb — from swallowing and breathing to kicking and sucking. And speaking of sucking, your little one has been able to suck her thumb for a while now. Something else to note: As more and more fat accumulates under your baby's skin, she's becoming less transparent and more opaque."
What's up with your baby? She's starting to get ready for her big debut, tipping the scales at almost four pounds and topping out at just about 19 inches. In these past few weeks, it's all about practice, practice, practice as she hones the skills she'll need to thrive outside the womb — from swallowing and breathing to kicking and sucking. And speaking of sucking, your little one has been able to suck her thumb for a while now. Something else to note: As more and more fat accumulates under your baby's skin, she's becoming less transparent and more opaque."
The end goes really fast with your second. From my experience. Hang in there won't be long now! I love you!
at least hang on for a fewwwww more weeks!! 36 weeks is totally legal. =o)
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