Mckinleys long-awaited jacuzzi bath with heidi...she couldnt convince heidi to get in with her...but she sure had fun swimmin while heidi soaked her feet...she was SO excited,you shouldve heard the whoopin and hollering and singing coming from my master bathroom that night...she was out of control excited and kept heidi in stitches...

I plan to get a big tropical flowery-bamboo-y type picture to put above the jacuzzi bath...

josh took us out to eat at the chowder house(our favorite) before taking heidi back to the airport...mckinley was a little under the weather that day,coming down with a cold,which is why she looks so sad in these pics...she had fun coloring with daddy though

one last sister picture before the sad parting...

my grandma,what large teeth you have...
why am I the ONLY sister who looks like i'm adopted??
Heather, you're just special. ;o)
Ang, you really look like Bek in this pic.
Mom just said that because of the giant shark teeth.
The whole heidi-mckinley jacuzzi bath scenario cracks me up.
yah i didnt really see the ang-bek resemblance in this particular picture...
I think it sounds fun. When I come over let's all bath together too! LOL
Heather i know we should have told you this sooner...but you're the mailman's kid.
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