So I'm in my 38th weeks of pregnancy,right about the time I delivered McKinley,and Doc said today after she checked me that things seem to be progressing this week...HALLELUJAH!Im feeling like Lucy could arrive any day.I'm incredibly tired of being pregnant,and ready to hold little girl in my arms...several of my friends have had thier babies in the last few weeks,and it makes it REALLY hard to wait my turn...but wait i must(: sigh (:
After our doc aptmt today,me and chub took daddy out on a coffee date to barns and noble,(he got to pay though...hehehe)and i had a spiced chai latte,he had a coconut mocha frappachina,and chub had a "chub coffee"(hot chocolate).We had fun...we always do.these two are so nutty together.

here's my gigantore 38 week shot...hopefully itll be the last one(:

Got a haircut!!!(: Its about time...its only been abt a year...
Just noticed you decided on a middle name for Lucy. :) So it.
Just wanted you to know, I finally caught up on your blog. I love it!!!! and you of course. BRING ON THE BABY!!!
Love your new blog re-do. The haircut is adorable!! The picture of Josh is great ( I got that same frappacino with Kluane on Monday). I am sure you will be having that baby soon!!!
Love the blog :)and the pics.
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