So Lucy's birth story...well,i did the impatient thing and took castor oil.I wasnt desperate or anything,but bek did it with madeline at 39 weeks,and went into labor and had a baby a couple hours later.So i read up about it,and its basically just a way to induce labor a little more naturally.Most article just said if your body is ready to go into labor,and you take it,you will,but if not,you'll get the runs,and after being pregnant and constipated for 9 months straight,the runs dont seem like the worst thing either.So i made myself a nice castor oil milkshake,only added 2 tbls,and that was fri late afternoon.So my labor started a few hours later,and before long my contractions were only a minute or two apart.So we dropped mckinley off and called the midwife,and headed for the hospital.I was fairly certain i would have the baby that night.At the hospital,I labored halfway through the night,and they ended up sending me home because i wasnt dialating...all those contractions,and i was still at 1 cm.So we left(against my will)and went and walked around Walmart for few hours.My contractions kept getting stronger and I was getting exhausted,but afraid to go home...So my midwife told me to go back to the hospital and have them check me again,they kept me till about 3 in the morning,and sent me packing,because although i was still contracting,i still wasnt dialating.About that time,i was kinda sorry i had taken the castor oil.I went home,and tried to sleep,and was pretty much in hard labor the rest the night,and kinda terrified i was gonna have the baby in the bed at home.Finally after shaking all night and resting very little in between,i got up around 7am and called my midwife again.I told her i was still in hard labor,and when i had gotten up that morning,i had lost my mucus plug.
She told me to come in (trip 3 to the hospital,in 1 night!)and checked me again,and low and behold,I was at 3 cm!I was so glad...i labored awhile longer,and then BAM! around 11 am,my contractions just stopped.they refused to induce me,since i was quite 39 weeks(i had a day and a half till i was!),and sent me home.So the moral of the story,castor oil works,but it can wear off,and labor might stop.rats.
So nothing happened that day,i got some sleep,had a few contractions here and there,and on Sunday i was miserable becasue baby had engaged,and then nothing!So i said forget this,im halfway there!And what do you think i did?YES.I had me some more tasty castor oil.went back to the hospital,spent another evening in labor,and NOTHING happened.CRAZY.Well,by the time we left,i was 75% effaced,but had only dialated to 3 and a half...and then it all stopped. AGAIN.So I suffered through monday...and went into labor again on monday night,it stopped again on tuesday morning,and i was able to get some more sleep.
On Tueday,the 13th of September,I went in for my doc appointment,and Mary Beth check me and said i was at about a 4 and did a cervical sweep(which ill never do again)to get my contractions going...then we went and walked around fred meyers for a few hours because she said if i could keep my contractions going,she would break my water once i was admitted So after walking and wearing myself out for a few hours,i was having strong steady contrctions every since seeing her that morning,except every time i sat down,they would slow down again.So i was like,'NO WAY AM I STOPPING NOW',so what do i do,i go and buy more cstor oil,add it to a smoothie,and head for the the time i got there,they ckecked me,and got my epidural in,i was transitioning and had her a few hours ltr.Hallelujah!(:
So next time im pretty sure ill just let things happen naturally because with both my girls i have been induced,and i dont think my body likes it.Seems like i just made it alot harder on myself than it needed to be...but at least i know now...castor oil does work,but who wouldve thunk it could STOP working right in the middle of everything???thanx bek...ya little jerk (j/k)
Love hearing birth stories but they are NOT GOOD for me. All I do is want another.
moving on, let me say you did good. She is so pretty, unfortunitly I think she looks like Josh. Mac looks like you! LOL Now you need another that looks like you both. LOL
I am amazed at how hard you worked for days to get her here. But I think going natural would be cool just once. I think I could do it again if I had another. I was induced with both mine a week past due with each. I know I could do it without meds but I guess we will never know.
You are amazing and I am can't wait to see what kinda lady she grows up to be. If she is anything like her momma, she's gonna be great!
Love you to the moon and back!
Always expect the unexpected. :) God is good! Lucy is beautiful. So are you Ang.
awww. i'm so glad you finally posted about Lucy! =o) i missed you in the blogging world.
love the pictures!
Every birth has it's own amazing story! Someday your girls will be asking you these things and writing them down is the best way to remember! So thankful for Lucy Jane and the rest of you guys! Love!
Yay! Love the grumpy face :)
And you did NOT look like you had just had a baby lol.
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