Tuesday, January 20, 2009

5 weeks till blastoff!!! (:

Fetal Development Week by Week – Week 35
Your baby weighs about 5 ½ pounds now and measures about 18.9 inches long. As you know each baby has a different weight and length at birth, so these measurements are just an average. Now your baby will start it’s most rapid weight gain, adding ½ to ¾ of a pound every week until they are born.
You may be able to distinguish body parts such as a head, hand or foot now that your baby is getting larger and your uterus is getting thinner. Baby’s hearing has completely developed now and the lungs are very close to being complete and ready for birth.
The kidneys are fully developed and the liver is able to process waste products. Fat is continues to accumulate at a rapid pace now, which will help your baby stay warm after they are born.
When you visit your health practitioner now they may begin to exam your cervix to see how ready it is for delivery. If you are not having a home birth, have your overnight bag packed and ready so that when your labor starts you have everything you want and need ready to go to the hospital or birthing center.


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh my soon my friend!

Grammie Kim said...

Pack that bag, Ang! You'll be glad you did.

blondevue... said...

I can't wait to meet your little girl, its been great how you've updated on her life as she grows each week. I feel like I'm almost there getting to feel her hand or foot press against your belly. :)
May God bless your delivery. Tori

Anonymous said...

WHy am i not 35 weeks yet?
I'll race ya.