Wednesday, March 17, 2010

breakfast friends

so this is lovey bear,he oftentimes eat breakfast with mckinley,and if not him,then she usually has another freind with her...she does not like to eat alone...

...well,this morning when i told her it was time to eat, she ran to the living room and came back to the high chair having invited all of these guys!!!....we could barely get the tray on,but we managed,and she and her freinds had thier own little breakfast party this morn(:


Anonymous said...

So sweet. It's funny how kids are. Mine has a bear (looks just like Susannah's.) and she lives with that thing. I turn around and he is always there. He has a really special name too. It's BEAR!

blondevue... said...

She is so darling Ang!! Love you guys,

Jenn said...

She is just the sweetest thing!! If you ever need a sitter just call me. We loved having her here!

Happy Girl said...

Hehe. She's a social eater at 1. ;) She must be a pretty clean eater because they look fresh still. =)