Wednesday, July 2, 2008

week seven-1/3 of an inch long already

so...we are going into week far not a bit of sickness,but i am nice and bloated,and have some mild cramping off and on....the bloating is consistent with high progesterone levels,which is a good thing,cuz i was worried i was already getting fat(: and the cramping is due to my growing uteris,and fairly uncomforable.but at least everything seems to be normal and healthy so first doctors appointment is july 14,so its in less than 2 weeks.exciting!(: i wonder if ill get to hear the heart beat?(:

Week 7: The umbilical cord appears

Your baby at week seven (five weeks after conception)
Seven weeks into your pregnancy, your baby is 1/3 of an inch long — a little bigger than the top of a pencil eraser. He or she weighs less than an aspirin tablet.
The umbilical cord — the link between your baby and the placenta — is now clearly visible. The cavities and passages needed to circulate spinal fluid in your baby's brain have formed, but your baby's skull is still transparent.
The arm bud that sprouted last week now resembles a tiny paddle. Your baby's face takes on more definition this week, as a mouth perforation, tiny nostrils and ear indentations become visible.


Kassandra said...

Aaaaaa! that's awesome!!! :o) I love hearing about this stuff! :o) too cool. SO happy for you. :D love you.

Rebekah L. said...

Start teaching her how to say auntie bek.....

Anonymous said...

I am so thrilled that you are into this updating the week by week progress of the child. I love it! God is an amazing creator to be able to make a baby be as small as it is now and look like it does.