Tuesday, August 26, 2008


14 weeks
3.42 inches
1.52 ounce
8.7 cm
43 grams


Week 15: Skin begins to form

Your baby at week 15 (13 weeks after conception)
Your baby's skin starts out nearly transparent. Eyebrows and scalp hair may make an appearance. For babies destined to have dark hair, the hair follicles will begin producing pigment.
The bone and marrow that make up your baby's skeletal system are continuing to develop this week. Your baby's eyes and ears now have a baby-like appearance, and the ears have almost reached their final position.

Face: Thanks to brain impulses, your baby's facial muscles are getting a workout as it squints, frowns, and grimaces.
Arm: Your baby's arms have lengthened; by the end of this week, they'll be in proportion with the rest of it's body.
Lanugo: Your baby is starting to develop an ultra-fine downy covering of hair all over the body; this is called lanugo.
Uterus: The top of your uterus has risen above your pelvic bone and may be pushing out your tummy a bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it love it love it.