Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Man my belly is getting swollen...I cant believe im on week 30...i only have 10 weeks left...maybe...
wow thats scary...guess the countdown has begun.

My body is gettting tired and my back is always hurting.I finish work on saturday,im so very very glad...the girls at work threw me a little surprise baby shower/potluck was very sweet...needless to say,she got plenty of hairstuff and hats from all my hairdresser freinds(:

Ill post some pictures of my belly and gifts later on today.

i didnt sleep much last night,i felt sick all night and had a terrible headache,because i burnt the broccoli last night and the wretched smell is permeating my house.I can barely breathe and i have glade plugins,candles and potporri all going at once,and i can still smell it.I dont have to go to work today,but i might have to leave just to get away from this awful smell.

I got all our Christmas shopping and projects finished up this week,except one,that i plan to finish today,because its an at-home project.I even got eveything wrapped last night.Man im glad thats over...its always fun,but its always a ton of work too.guess thats what makes it all mean something.

Fetal Development Week by Week – Week 30
Your baby now weighs about 3 pounds and measures 16.2 inches. Things are started to get cramped inside the uterus at this point, and the baby is really in the fetal position – with knees bent and their chin touching the chest. Soon baby will move into the head down position getting ready for their delivery.
Babies do not usually have 20/20 vision when they are born. Their eyes are well developed and they are reacting to light, but most children do not have 20/20 vision until they are between seven and nine years old.
The brain is continuing to grow and make connections between nerve cells. Baby’s digestive tract is nearly complete now and the lungs are nearly fully developed as well. Lanugo continues to disappear now and the hair on their little heads is coming in. Some babies are born with a full head of hair!
Sleeping on your left side is probably the most comfortable position for you now, as it will help remove some of the pressure on the nerves and blood vessels in your back. It may seem as if everyone has a horror story to tell you now about her labor and birth. Just remember that every birth is different and don’t feel shy about asking people to keep the stories to themselves if they bother you. You might also find that complete strangers feel the need to touch your belly – everyone gets excited as the birth of your little one grows closer.


blondevue... said...

I have learned alot during your pregnancy!
Thanks for all the baby facts. :) It is awesome knowing what is going on inside of you, and the miracle that is happening. It makes so much more sense why you have to eat so good while pregnant, whatever you eat is helping grow the nervous system of a human being! That quite fasinating.
Glad your're almost done with work, although I wish I could just drive over and have you trim my hair! I have to try and find a stylist tomorrow, I need a trim. And its going to be sad. No Ang. :(
Glad your're all moved in, take care Ang!!!

Mo said...

how does one burn broccoli anyway?

If you need any help burning chicken, your mom has my number.