Thursday, November 6, 2008

24 weeks for amber

our girl at 20 weeks... doesnt she look so snuggly?(:

i tried to take a self portrait for amber,as you can see im not very good at it.i had a doc. appointment on monday,everything is going really well,and i only gained one pound this month,so my midwife was very pleased with am i,it was a small miracle since i was on vacation(: sorry bek,i guess my food snobbery paid off after all(: anyways,i should have cleaned my room before i took this(: oh well...


Anonymous said...

THANKS SO MUCH!!! you have just about the cutest belly I think I have ever seen. It looks like you swallowed a bowling ball and it got stuck if you know what I mean.

She is such a little cutie all snuggly warm in momma. Just wait till she get's here and she'll be all snuggly warm in your arms...
Love you baby!

blondevue... said...

You look great Angela!
I'm so glad that we can follow your pregnancy, even with all the miles in between.
I can't wait to meet your little girl once I get back!
And you'll be a mommy!!!!
Hope you're doing good. Have a great week!

Happy Girl said...

aww! Cuteness!